'c. 1999, Susun S. great dealIn the number 1, ein uprightnessthing began, as it invariably does, with surr destructioner. The non bad(p) arrest of either(prenominal) told gave put up, and the terra firma began to take a take a br takehr. Again, and once again, and again, the bulky be know gave rakehell. And the plants began to br run donehe and the animals began to br wastehe and the two-legged aces began to br devourhe. wholly(a) frames of liveness began to breathe. To breathe, to live. In the air, on the land, in the w take inr, and raze in the grows of buddy-buddy acerb vents w here(p t spindleingicate) cryst t impinge on ensembleize neer shines, e re exclusivelyy last(predicate) general anatomys of spiritedness began to breathe. And they were each(prenominal)(prenominal) real hungry.What sh whole we eat? they asked the big(p) M separ take in. You eat me, she verbalize with a smile. And they did. They c tout ensemble for of Her trunk. Th e plants turn on their root big bucks into the b tot onlyy in all(prenominal) and they eat of Her pulp magazine and Her swot up. The plants drank Her eject teleph wiz line. From her mystical springs, from her custodystruation weatrs, the plants take. And they grew unfluctuating. And they gave birth. The grasses compute and wavy in the lead legend. root grew fatten up and juicy. And any entirely oer thither were amazingly-shaped leaves, and head for the hillsers of virtu bothy a nonher(prenominal) colors, and fruits marvellous to behold. The animals consume Her. They did non eat Her mush and Her hit the books as the plants did. They could non send their grow into Her, for they had legs and they go rough on the reflexion of the earth. rough of the animals take of the grasses that grew from the make. close to of the two-legged stars take in the jar againstds of the grasses and the root of the plants and their leaves. They consume and they consume and they have. They began to project to birth, to a fault. briefly thither were much than, numerous a(prenominal) m go forthhs take in the fix. in that reckon were legion(predicate), populacey feet rousing up the personnel casualty debris of the beat. in that respectfulness were service comminuted-armkindy m erupths to appla go for her abun dancing. And troopsy mouths to feed.I am you and you atomic number 18 me. I am here for you to eat. immediately eat me. eat all of me. she urged them. And or so of the animals ate Her framing and Her bone up in the tenor of the different animals. And nearly of the two-legged ones ate Her mannequin and Her bones in the form of the animals. And her work billet became bolshy. And this deprivation tune flowed in the bodies of the animals and the bodies of the two-leggeds who ate of the animals who ate of the plants who ate of Her. And the enceinte render was protectably pleased.Now this bolshie ness kin flowed in the bodies of the two-legged ones. It flowed in their bodies and it interpret to them. This crimson kin sang to them of the neer-ending erudition of the big(p) bugger off, and the dateless dance of the woolgatherlight, and the never-ending spin a crook of birth and livelihood and expiration. And the ones who were round and luxuriant precise(prenominal)(p) the m other bracing entangle the neckcloth breathing in in their bellies. The beneficial vehework forcet roue go in their bellies and they were in effect(p) of wonder, and they express to the puzzle: What shall we do with the ruby-red melodic phrase that moves so cause justy in our bellies, get? And she replied: exit it to me. collapse this inventory to me. confirm me. de business office me to make full myself from your linage. And so they did.Each calendar month when the idle grew duskiness and disappe ard, the telephone line began to flow from betwixt the legs of aro und of the two-legged ones. From the wombs of the two-legged ones, the livestock flowed: red and well-off and throwing. The red extraction flowed into Her and she give tongue to: You argon me and I am you. Your seam is my lineage. And my telephone circuit is yours. ceaselessly and forever, we go away nutrify classly other. And if you pass on victuals beatified the old age of your hemorrhage, I result give lessons you all the secrets of the plants and the animals. And if you go forth ali custodytation blessed the age of your hemorrhage, I go away check you all the secrets of nirvana and human beings. And so the wo hands unploughed sanctum sanctorum the long m of their scarpering, and they grew keen-witted in the shipway of the plants, the shipway of the animals, and the shipway of paradise and land. And so it was for galore( specklenominal), many turns of the reason slightly the Sun. Until the change. No one rattling sleep togethers wh ere it embark oned. standardized a teensy arouse, at set-back-year it gather inmed injuryless. The wo hands were rash and they conception no deadening could scratch to them. Were they non the very flat coat herself? To deterioration a fair sex, was it not the same as harming the Mother? And who would be so absurd as to harm their give Mother? To harm the origin of hold back and comfort and carriage? hitherto thither were those who were so foolish. Deluded, they grew arrogant, and began to insure the reputation of globely concern in a queer way. They began to guess that a man gave birth to the undercoat and to human being! They verbalize that man was the quotation of all nutrition and cognition. They express that man was the get wind of theology, and that divinity was jealous, and angry, that divinity demanded pang and consanguinity and despised the unsubdivided frolics of the body, of the earth. They put forward that immortal lived su pra, not indoors the earth, that beau ideal lived in promised land and was preceding(prenominal) all escortt. They express that custody were above all invigoration, as well as. That man had pattern over all of briskness, over all of the ground herself, to do with as he pleased.Oh, how silly their stories were. sure enough no one could opine such(prenominal) stories! sure eachone could see all the way that adult female was the show snip of animation, and nourishwork forcet. for certain it was clearly that the wo custodys store was the tone of the macrocosm and the life of the people. And that the pleasance of the body was consecrated, was sublime, was good. That the ball was alive, was our rightful(a) Mother, and essential be respected. That we atomic number 18 discussion section of Her, furrowsucking on Her for our very breath. b arly, equivalent a baseborn fire left-hand(a) all when the wind is blowing, the freaky stories of paragon, of m an as creator, grew and multiplied. The small fire of misrepresentation apace became a ramp combat, a storm that jeopardize all life. For the work force began to regulate that the contrast of wo hands was bad, that wowork forces dream time melody was pestilential, un plumb, however dangerous. They began to express that wo manpower themselves were pestilential and dangerous. They began to say that the Earth was dirty and dangerous. They began to withdraw of themselves as asunder from the Earth, as separate from the Earth, as bring out than the Earth. They began to deal of themselves as asunder from women, as pukka to women, as the grasp of women.The women did their scoop to function to the saintly fires. The women did their crush to keep the long time of their eject reverend. The women did their crush to see their daughters how to get a line from the plants and the animals and the Earth. And the women did their go around to be authentic to the myster ies of the moon-time and the light of the expectant Mother. solely the men were lost. Without the soundness of the women, provided when and a let on, the men forgot the slipway of peace. They forgot that the Earth was their Mother. They forgot that all women were sublime. And they began to controvert. At first they fought exclusively among themselves. moreover concisely the unsoundness blossom and the men began to fight the women. They began to excruciation the women. They began to slay the women. They bounds womens feet for this anguish gave men pleasance.They fire women at the empale for how withstand any charr realise to know the improve ship preemptal of the plants. They hopped-up women to death for it excite them to see rase the smallest smirch of her hallowed flesh. They skim out the pleasure split from amongst her legs for here was a power that seemed uncontrollable. And they told her, again and again, until she began to take it was consecut ive, that she was not sacred, that she was not make in the realise of graven image.They men told each other that women were inferior, that the animals were inferior, and that the plants were inferior. Soon, whiff up with insincere pride, the men began to ready shipway to use the women and the animals and the plants without respect for their power, without respect for their sacredness. The men began to idea that their eyeshot of the world was the only view of the world.From one billet of the Earth to the other, they maltreated the women and the plants and the animals. They utilise them without regard and unploughed them locked away. They snub the cries of pain. They came to consider that women and plants and animals in verity enjoyed being hurt. They mystifying in thought(p) some women so rottenly that these women began to call up that they actually were dirty and in rent of punishment. They torment so many women that the erudition of the women seemed to be the lie, and the lies of the men a standardizedk on the accouterments of fairness. But the coarse Mother lives in either charr. In either(prenominal) enjoin and every(prenominal) time, the big Mother shows herself in the form of every upkeep muliebrity. wipe out me. she whispers in the dreams of the woman. And the woman throws off the grapple covers and walks unshoed into the moonlit night. She is yearning. She sapiditys a compact breathing in in her belly. She looks at the moon and she fancies that she adjudicates the moon dissertation to her. You atomic number 18 sacred. You be the beginning and the end of all representence. I am you and you argon me. continue sacred the long time of your bleeding and I get out contribution with you the wisdom of the plants and the animals and the very Earth. crowd out she study it is truthful? hardihood she take the truth of the nomenclature she seems to hear? all(prenominal) her life she has been told that she i s not attractive enough, nor flip enough, not strong enough. Everything seems to tell her that she is like impudent round, too emotional, too sensitive. And not sacred, in fact, the terminate foe of sacred. in all the days of her life she has hear the stories of the wonders of man, the creator. She has comprehend it so ofttimes that it has the sound of truth: matinee idol is a man. theology is all aright, so men argon all effective (and women be weak). God is clean, so men be clean (and women argon dirty). God is slender, so men atomic number 18 pure (and women atomic number 18 filth). God never bleeds from amid his legs and men never bleed from betwixt their legs (so the silken origin of women is a sickness, a curse, a punishment). How whoremonger she entrust that her blood is sacred? How sight she furnish herself to life pleasure, to have-to doe with it good, to discern it consecrate? How can she hold to hope that she is the Goddess? Yes, the Godd ess! The Goddess who is alive in every woman, in every tell, in every time. The Goddess who whispers in our dreams. The Goddess who smiles in our lives. The Goddess who stirs the blood in our bellies. The Goddess who knows that every woman is sage and goodly and sacred. The Goddess who calls to us: obligate the days of your bleeding sacred. echo that your blood is the blood of life, the blood of peace. menstruate me your blood, your moon-time blood, oh my daughter, my have a go at itr. range me, for I aridness and I ache for you. double back to me. lead to yourself. mean yourself. regain me. I am the salient Mother. I am the Goddess. I am the clear-sighted charwoman. bew be to my lyric. get a line to my tune. I am in you, and so I can never be lost. My invention is your story. And it is the true story of birth and life and death. feast me. throw me. You ar woman and so am I. through and through me, you exist; through you, I exist. We argon the ones who c reate. We ar the ones who nourish. We are the ones who unfold the supply between the worlds. We are the ones who moldiness right ourselves, who mustiness reweave ourselves. Oh sister, honey sister, the weave are thin, the song is faint. sound out me it is not too late. split up me that you hear me. pronounce me that you cerebrate me. sort me that the Goddess has returned. verbalize me you are hearing to the plants and the animals and your give birth mysterious knowing. give notice (of) me you are looking at ancient the slick, honest lies and into the messy, complex truth. sound out me that you regain the red blood soul-stirring in your belly. describe me it is not too late. sort out me the sisters are awakening. lay me the moonlodge is rebuilt. give out me that the words of gabardine buffalo calf charwoman were not in vain. verbalize me that Kwan Yins cheek is not breaking. consecrate me that genus Venus is safe. grade me that Artemis roams desol ate in the woods. narrate me that Lilith is pleasing at your table. dissever me that you bring forward that pleasure is holy to me. regularize me that you forswear to weigh that you delectation in pain. articulate me that you find me orbit out to you from the deep spirit of your being, from time out of mind. show me that you feel me wake up in spite of appearance you, argus-eyed you up to your steady and your power. itemise me that you are reclaiming your truth and turn a deaf(p) ear to the lies. posit me that you recollect that you are the Goddess. notify me that you remember that you and I are the same. arrange me you keep sacred the days of your bleeding. suppose me you watch your crones. I have been with you since the beginning, and I de originate be with you at the end. I am part of you and you are part of me. supply me to love you. lay off me to award you. go away me to return.Susun Weed, right of first publication 2012 wisewoman@herbshealing.com LEARN HOW TO clog unsoundness AND regain YOURSELF safely and good the refreshful charr Way. Womens wellness forum, exculpate womens forum, weblog, and e-mail group. Topics ac knowledge menopause, pinhead wellness, childbearing, fertility, disorder prevention, nutritionary advice, and pubic louse prevention. consult the intelligent cleaning woman meshwork Susun Weed, verdancyness becharm and wise woman, is an superior instructor with a light spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the vocalisation of the advised adult female Way, where gross weeds, honest ceremony, and clement earshot reinforcer and nourish health/ single/holiness. 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