Monday, August 24, 2020
The Yellow Wall Paper essays
The Yellow Wall Paper papers The Yellow-Wallpaper as a Social Criticism Traditionally, men have held the force in the public arena. Ladies have been treated as an inferior of residents with neither the lawful rights nor the regard of their male partners. Culture has added to these sex jobs by molding to these sexual orientation jobs by molding ladies to acknowledge their subordinate status while urging youngsters to lead and control. Women's activist analysis fights that writing either underpins societys man centric structure or gives social analysis so as to change this progression. The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, delineates one womens battle against the conventional female job into which society endeavors to drive her and the cultural response to this demonstration. From the earliest starting point of this work, the lady is appeared to have gone frantic. We are given no understanding into the past, and we don't have the foggiest idea why she has been headed to the edge of craziness. The beau tiful...English place that the lady finds in her psyches eye is the manner in which men have customarily needed ladies to see their job in the public arena. As the lady says, It is very alone standing admirably once again from the road...It makes me consider English places...for there are fences and dividers and doors that lock, and loads of independent little houses for the planters and individuals. There is a flavorful nursery! I never observed such a nursery enormous and obscure, brimming with box-flanked ways, and fixed with long grape-shrouded arbors with seats under them. This beautiful English field picture that this lady paints to the peruser is a shallow view at the genuine similarity of her jail. The truth of things is that this flawless spot is her little living space, and in it she is to work as each other great housewife should. The depiction of her cell, versus its truth, is a generally excellent case of the limitation ladies had back then. They were allowed to conside r things to be they needed, yet th... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bill of Rights Impact and Causes
Bill of Rights Impact and Causes Brandon Huff The Bill of Rights are the initial ten Amendments in the Constitution, and were made for more noteworthy established insurances of our individual rights. These were composed by James Madison, an individual from the House of Representatives at that point. There were two gatherings at that point, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists accepted that they didn't require a Bill of Rights on the grounds that the individuals and states had the forces not given to the administration. While the Anti-Federalists accepted that it was completely important to have, and was expected to secure the people rights. While Madison was composing these Amendments, it was contended that Congress couldnt change the constitution, so Madison proposed they be included as Amendments. Madison composed twenty alterations and of those the House affirmed seventeen of them. From that point they were sent to the Senate where just twelve endure. Of those twelve sent to the states, just ten passed. These corrections are a rundown of cutoff points on government power. This implies a correct that was viewed as a characteristic are secured with this archive The Amendments incorporate ability to speak freely, the option to carry weapons, no officer will live in the place of a resident without assent, the privilege against outlandish quests to house, vehicle, self, and impacts; the option to not be attempted of a similar offense twice, the privilege to a speedy preliminary by a fair-minded jury, the privilege of preliminary by jury of an offense more than twenty dollars, no over the top bail or irrational disciplines, the specification of specific rights may not be understood, and the forces not assigned nor given to the states by the Constitution are the privileges of the states. These rights given to us will consistently be our own and nothing can remove them from us. Be that as it may, for what reason did the they pick just these revisions to confirm and use for our Bill of Rights? Every one of the individuals who casted a ballot and approved these accepted that these were unalienable rights given to us by God and thusly, shouldnt be constrained by the administration. These are correct that were written down to keep the legislature from assuming control over the nation and attempting to take our privileges away.â Each of these changes ensures quite certain things, that as a country we will require so as to hold the large government within proper limits. Lets take a gander at every change exclusively and see why it would be picked. The primary revision ensures our entitlement to practice our religion, discourse, serene get together, and press. This implies regardless of what you have faith in, you can trust it in the open and not dreading the legislature is going to come after you. Next, you can say what you need where you need, however it presumably isnt the best thought constantly. You can likewise write in the papers, or state on the news what you accept about specific things and it wont be taken out or altered. Last, we can accumulate in dissent of something anyplace as long as it is a quiet and controlled dissent. This opportunity permits us to hold the legislature under tight restraints and permits us as the individuals to offer changes or things we accept will support the nation. Next, our entitlement to remain battle ready. This appears to be really obvious, if the need emerges we can ensure ourselves. Regardless of whether that mean from a gatecrasher, or an aggressor, or even from the administration itself. This is presumably one of the most significant things given to us as a people, in light of the fact that securing ourselves isn't a choice in a great deal of different places far and wide. Our third right is the correct we have to our own home. A fighter cannot come and live on our home during a period of war except if given authorization. This doesnt truly apply to todays world, however when it was made individuals assaulting and battling on American soil. In this way, it was just evident that they would make one expressing the security you have inside your home. Fourth is the correct that secures us, our property, and things from being nonsensically looked, or without a warrant. This is significant on the grounds that without it the administration could simply take and experience anything they desire to without an explanation. This secures the privilege to protection and proprietorship. The possibility that you own something and can say no is an awesome thing to have. Our fifth right is the correct we need to abstain from being charged a similar offense twice. On the off chance that we have been blamed and demonstrated not blameworthy, we wont be attempted again for a similar wrongdoing. It additionally secures our other fundamental rights recorded above, for example, the thing of ones property. This is one that isn't notable and is belittled in its significance, yet is a urgent piece of the Bill of Rights. Next, is the privilege to an expedient preliminary and the capacity to have somebody capable speak to them in a courtroom. It likewise ensures against individuals that would be attempting to impact you as an observer, or somebody who needs to do you hurt. This security and help in the courts is significant even now as individuals despite everything attempt to change the psyches of those engaged with preliminaries, etc. The seventh obliges the past two of every a sense it includes the courts. Any wrongdoing surpassing went dollars must experience a court and have a preliminary. This forestalls vile decisions by some inâ the feeling that they should be a jury to choose what occurs. Since practically every wrongdoing surpasses twenty dollars pretty much every wrongdoing is done through our lawful framework. This is the most ideal approach to do things in light of the fact that our legitimate framework is through and excellent. Next is our entitlement to not have an unreasonable bail set for our discharge structure prison. It must be fitting with the wrongdoing submitted, we dont need to stress over a million dollar bail if everything we did was spray painting. This is for us as a people to feel like we can even now have some expectation of getting out ahead of schedule, regardless of whether that is the thing that we need is something different completely. The ninth change shields us from having the entirety of our different ones being misjudged. A few people will attempt to imagine they dont comprehend what our privileges mean, or will attempt to damage them regardless of whether don't realize they are. This will shield us from that and in the event that one is found confusing our privileges they get and just discipline. Our last right expresses that any force not designated to the United States by the Constitution is given to the states. This forestalls the legislature controlling everything in all the states constantly. It gives the states an option to control an increasingly neighborhood it helps watch out for the administration. With each state having its own privileges they can watch and hold the administration in line. Presently, of the entirety of the revisions proposed to be in this Bill of Rights, the individuals picked these ten. They couldnt have picked better. These are the very things that, if not explicitly given to us as the individuals and the details themselves; that the legislature should control sometime in the not too distant future. This Bill of Rights is a significant piece of the United States and helps keep this nation free and permits it to be controlled by the individuals. Without the foreknowledge of our initial heads and the trade off they came to really taking shape of this record, America may be an altogether different spot. I accept that this report helped shape the country into what it is today. Without these rights given to us we couldnt do a few things that we expected to do, nor might we be able to ensure that we would be sheltered from degenerate and unlawful individuals and preliminaries. With these set up we can have security from degenerate individuals, can watch the legislature, and are allowed to shield ourselves from increasingly forthright dangers. These give us security in our country and realizing that we the individuals have the ability to make this nation what it is. We choose our pioneers, we choose our delegates, we choose the entirety of the individuals in any situation of intensity. On the off chance that they dont work superbly we choose another person, however it is forever our decision who is in control. That is an extravagance that numerous countries dont have, and we as a people have overlooked how significant it really is. By perusing this individuals can understand what we have in this nation and the amount we can truly accomplish for it. Individuals act like they cannot do anything so why trouble, or some attempt to change things that doesnt need to or the have no power over. We have to return and read what we can do, what we cannot and all work together to improve this nation for all.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Dysmorphophobia Is the Fear of Deformity
Dysmorphophobia Is the Fear of Deformity Phobias Types Print The Fear of Deformity Dysmorphophobia is a Term That Encompasses Multiple Fears By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 10, 2018 Carla G / Moment / Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Dysmorphophobia (fear of deformity) is a broad term that encompasses multiple specific fears. Some people are afraid of becoming deformed or disfigured, while others fear those who have a disfiguring condition. Some expectant parents worry that their child will be born with a deformity. Dysmorphophobia may also be behind some cases of body dysmorphic disorder, a somatoform disorder in which sufferers imagine bodily imperfections.? Fear of Becoming Deformed or Disfigured In todays media-driven culture, it seems there is a cure for virtually anything. Dont like your nose? See a plastic surgeon. Dont like your hair? Buy this dye or that shampoo or have a makeover by a celebrity stylist. Worried about the signs of aging? Creams, specialty soaps, and facelifts are at your beck and call. While its perfectly natural to want to look and feel your best, the constant media hype is focused on a virtually unattainable ideal of youth and beauty. Against this backdrop, it is easy for even normal, healthy physical characteristics to be seen as something to get rid of rather than to celebrate. Of course, most people are able to maintain a healthy perspective. For some, however, a natural concern for health and vigor can develop into an unhealthy obsession. In addition, throughout much of history, those with deformities or disfigurements were discriminated against, locked up or even accused of witchcraft. Public shaming, display in human zoos or freak shows and crude medical treatments were frighteningly common. In extreme cases, children and adults with deformities were sometimes put to death. Although modern societies have largely moved beyond these measures, people with disfiguring conditions may have trouble obtaining employment, gaining respect or finding a mate, even today. Children and adults may be shunned, finding it difficult to make friends or become community leaders. Fear of Others With a Deformity or Disfigurement This form of dysmorphophobia may be rooted in a myriad of other fears. Xenophobia (fear of strangers) may be partly to blame. Humans have a strong tendency to self-select into groups based on commonalities. Families, tribes, communities, religious groups, and nations have long served the critical functions of providing safety and security, promoting the groups interests and working together to achieve common goals. Those who are isolated or cut off from these units often face increased danger and limited opportunities. One of the easiest ways to form group loyalty is to cast those who do not fit in as the other. This strengthens group unity and encourages bonding. But when taken too far, it can have damaging and wide-reaching effects, leading to hate, shunning and even violence. More often, though, this tendency to reject the unfamiliar leads to mistrust, discomfort, and exclusion. As deformities and disfigurements are relatively rare, xenophobia towards people with these conditions may simply be due to a lack of familiarity or exposure. For many people, an initially uncomfortable reaction is easily changed simply by getting to know someone with a deformity on a personal level. In some cases, the fear of deformity in others is based on medical fears. Those suffering from germ phobia, hypochondria or nosophobia may be at particular risk for this type of fear, but it can occur in anyone. Some disfigurements are caused by communicable diseases such as leprosy. Although these diseases are now readily treatable, they have been stigmatized for centuries. A lack of understanding may increase the fear of other peoples deformities or disfigurements. Fear of Bearing a Deformed Child Throughout history, particular significance has been placed on deformed infants. At various times and in various cultures, these children have been seen as curses or signs of evil. Sometimes they were viewed as a sign that the mother was a witch. Sometimes they were seen as harbingers of an upcoming fire, flood or other natural disaster. In some cases, the child itself was seen as a demonic creature. Although most modern societies no longer believe in ancient superstitions, great pressure remains on parents to deliver a healthy, perfect baby. Many expectant parents worry that a child who is not physically perfect will be shunned or scorned. In addition, some conditions that cause infant or childhood deformity are painful, require extensive corrective surgery or may even lead to a shortened lifespan. Its easy to see how a normal and healthy concern for an unborn childs well-being could develop into an unhealthy phobia of something going wrong. Coping With the Fear of Deformity For many people, the fear of deformity is relatively mild and easy to control. Minor discomfort is often relieved by exposure. Knowing someone with a deformity or disfigurement can help dispel fears based on a lack of understanding. Learning about disfiguring conditions can help curb medically-based fears. If you are an expectant parent concerned about your unborn child, speak with your doctor. Modern medical testing can identify many potentially disfiguring conditions, and advanced technology can correct the vast majority of infant deformities. If your fear is more severe, simple exposure and information-gathering may not be enough. If you find yourself going out of your way to avoid situations that may bring you in contact with a disfigured person, or if you develop an unhealthy obsession with your own appearance or that of a loved one, seek professional assistance. Like most phobias, dysmorphophobia responds well to a variety of common mental-health treatments. Left untreated, the phobia could worsen, gradually limiting your daily life and preventing you from connecting with others.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How Did Jews Become White Folks - 917 Words
Since the beginning of time, individuals have been discriminated against based on their religion, culture, race, and sexual orientation. The article ââ¬Å"How Did Jews Become White Folks?â⬠by Karen B. Brodkin highlighted the struggles that European immigrants, Jews, and African Americans faced in the United States pre and post World War II. In her article Brodkin focused on the idea of ââ¬Å"whitenessâ⬠in America, and how the word has evolved over time to include a variety of ethnicities. Since its inception, America has been called the land of opportunity, but around the late nineteenth century the United States started limiting the entry of European and Chinese immigrants. These closed door policies for European and Asian immigration in the 1920s were a result of increased racism in the United States. People living in the United States began to redefine and selectively narrow the amount of ethnicities that the word white included. The book Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant stated that the white race can be broken up into superior and inferior races. According to Grant, people who were of Nordic descent made up the superior upper class, while the other European immigrants and Jews were considered low class and inferior. Grants novel defined who is considered to be white which subsequently led to the mistreatment of the inferior white race in America. In the 1930 census, the United States Government distinguished the differences in whiteness by asking participants toShow MoreRelatedHow Did Jews Become White Folks?933 Words à |à 4 Pagesorientation. The article ââ¬Å"How Did Jews Become White Folks?â⬠by Karen B. Brodkin highlighted the struggles that European immigrants, Jews, and African American faced in the United States pre and post World War two. Brodkin focused in on the idea of ââ¬Å"whitenessâ⬠in America, and how the word has evolved overtime to include a variety of ethnicities. Since its creation America has been called the land of opportunity, but around the late nineteenth century the United States started to become more exclusive byRead MoreMichael Omi And Howard Winant : Define And Break Down The Essential Information Behind This Theory Essay1192 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe concepts set forth by Omi and Winant. Beginning with the findings from Buckââ¬â¢s Constructing Race, Creating White Privilege, there are multiple, brilliant examples of racial mixing and establishing ââ¬Å"whiteness,â⬠both being main points discussed in Omi and Winantââ¬â¢s racialization theory. Buck establishes that ideas about race werenââ¬â¢t truly established until the late 1700s, and how physical differences were seldom ever noticed beforehand. 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She would see how ââ¬Å"the music was being ââ¬Ësoldââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ , the meetings between the disk jockeys and the record companiesââ¬â¢ representatives carrying along artists to persuade the station to play their music (Kellogg 2016). In her time working, Payola was a scandal that raised the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
World War One Research Paper - 1564 Words
Tawann Gudger World War One Research Paper Caputo/Lenkey 12/12/15 World War One The Triple Alliance was a military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed on March 20th 1882. Each country promised support in the event of attack. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir of the throne of Austria-Hungary; he hoped that his sympathy for the Slavs would ease the tension between Austria-Hungary and the Balkans. Ferdinand and his wife had arranged to tour Bosnia. As the couple rode through Sarajevo, the capital of Austro-Hungarian, on June 28, 1914, a man by the name of Gavrilo Princip jumped on their car and fired two shots, killing Ferdinand and his wife. Gavrilo Princip, was linked to a Serbian terrorist group called the Black hand(World War I History. ). The assassination gave Austria-Hungary a good reason to form a plan against Serbia, but Austria-Hungary first got Germanyââ¬â¢s promise to support them in any action they took against Serbia. Then Austria-Hungary sent Serbia a list of demands on July 23. Serbia accepted most of the demands and o ffered to have the rest settled by an international conference. Austria-Hungary rejected the offer and declared war on Serbia on July 28 1914(World War I History. ). When Austriaââ¬âHungary ended up at war in August 1914, due to being apart of the Triple Alliance, against the TripleShow MoreRelatedResearch Papers for Vietnam War1341 Words à |à 6 PagesVietnam War Research Paper: During the 30 years of XX century Vietnam was at war. It all started in the 1940â⬠²s, when the Communists fought against French colonial rule, and was completed in 1975 with the fall of Saigon. The period, which the Vietnamese know as the ââ¬Å"American Warâ⬠and the Americans call the ââ¬Å"Vietnam Warâ⬠, lasted from 1965 to 1973, during the time of the U.S. intervention. 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And in the following, pages this propose will do three things; first it will give some historical context to the thesis statement via the secondary sources, secondly it will give an overview of the primary sources that will be used in this paper , and thirdly it will explore some of the possible issue that the research paper will hope to address. It wasRead MoreA Short Note On Stop Counter Propaganda Of The Middle East1694 Words à |à 7 Pagesunderstand the nation, its populace, and the methods in which anti-American propaganda would be delivered. Because of this short coming we encountered and to this day encounter several difficulties not only in Iraq but in the world abroad. One of the largest problems facing todayââ¬â¢s war on terrorism, is the fact that the insurgent recruitment methods do not follow traditional means, as they use every form of media. During the ten years of operation in Iraq, there was an evolution of propaganda and its
Issues on Paid College Athletes Free Essays
Should college athletes be paid? Many have different opinions on this subject. Some feel that a fully paid scholarship is enough for these talented individuals. But for the athletes itâ⬠s not enough. We will write a custom essay sample on Issues on Paid College Athletes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Allen Sack, a former football player said: â⬠No matter their economic circumstances, college scholarship athletes, almost universally agree that there needs to be a way for money to find its way into their hands ligitimatley.â⬠But what most the public doesnâ⬠t know is that intercollegiate athletics is a primary source of income for colleges and universities in the United States, and the athletes arenâ⬠t seeing a penny of it. The N.C.A.A. is whatâ⬠s keeping the athletes from seeing some of the money they deserve by calling it ââ¬Å"Amateurism.â⬠Rule 2.9 says: â⬠The principal of Amateurism Student athletes shall be amateurs in an intercollegiate sport, and their participation should be motivated primarily by education and the physical, mental and social benefits to be derives. Student participation in intercollegiate athletics is an avocation, and student athletes should be protected from exploitation by professional and commercial enterprises.â⬠These rules show you how the N.C.A.A. controls the actions of the student athletes, only to allow them to be manipulated by their universities and take away their freedom to earn money on their own. College athletes who come from low-income families have little or no money, leading them to accept money and gifts illegally. Presidents of division I schools are allowing boosters to offer big money to talented athletes for competing on the fields of play, and try to attract wealthy TV networks to commercialize the sports and make Billions off the consumers. College athletes are young and naive and maybe thatâ⬠s why they accept money and gifts. Maybe they feel they deserve it and lack the fear of any consequences or maybe they truly need the money since they canâ⬠t make it elsewhere. Athletes know they have a scholarship, but they also know that a scholarship doesnâ⬠t give you any money for normal everyday spending. For whatever reason student athletes accept money, whether good or bad, they still take it and they always will as long as itâ⬠s offered. The star athlete is basically hired to bring success to a certain sports program, regardless of his or her educational goals or intellectual background. Technically it is a phrase describing an individual student who engages in a sport for the academic institution they represent. But the problem that haunts the N.C.A.A. is the realization that the student athlete is truly two different words, describing two different groups of people and one day they will have to admit that they are separate. The bottom line is winning, and winning requires talented athletes, but some athletes realize their value and demand some compensation for their efforts. With all their long hours of hard work and endless practice, they put everything on the line. They risk life and limb for the university they represent and for what? Why undergo the stress and strain of a season, year after year, to only be tossed aside after their eligibility or talent is used up? Obviously for some, itâ⬠s that small possibility one day turning professional, but for others itâ⬠s the question of why canâ⬠t I get paid for my work now? Universities realize that they take in millions of dollars in revenue, and in return all the athlete gets is a scholarship. It all adds up from grants-in-aid to student athletes which generates about 5 million dollars a year. Add that to the millions spent on travel, housing, equipment, health care and other costs, pretty soon were talking about real money. According to the Bureau of Census is that the free education a scholarship athlete has, typically generates an extra $500,000 or more in that persons future. An education is priceless, and the student athletes at American colleges and universities reap the benefits of the finest higher education system in the world. So the knowledge that a student athlete gains in the classroom is something that will never depreciate. What paying players would do is free them from a system in which they do most of the work and assume all of the risk, yet are prevented from sharing in the results of their labor. This in effect, would terminate any forms off corruption and exploitation of intercollegiate athletics. It would also benefit the universities, while still profiting from their athletic programs they would also be scandal free and have the pressures of winning taken off their shoulders. The majority of the pressure would be carried by the already high paid coaches and soon to be high paid athletes. The N.C.A.A. could benefit by engaging in more high profit venues and would be relived of enormous amounts of pressure due to an employee situation within the system. Overall, a system of salary paid athletes put into intercollegiate athletics would change the views of many. Whether it would benefit society depends on such a proposal. I see no reason why such a proposal could not be created. How to cite Issues on Paid College Athletes, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
When is it Appropriate to be a Good Samaritan Essay Example For Students
When is it Appropriate to be a Good Samaritan Essay Discussion of Question Number Two Chapter ThreeOften in life, people are put in situations in which they must make a speedy ethical decision. First, I would like to look at why people feel a need to be moral. Most of us have an inborn sense or conscience, which makes it very difficult to do a wrong or, even more than that and not do what is right. It is one thing to commit a wrong. It is, however, a different thing to neglect doing a good act. Depending on the situation, the two scenarios can be equally harmful to the human conscience. We will write a custom essay on When is it Appropriate to be a Good Samaritan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Robert, the man who cheated on the College Examinations in the hypothetical situation, made a decision to do a wrong act. He felt that he was able to handle the guilt on his conscience. The guilt did bother him to some degree since he was seeking advice on the situation. The panel had to take Roberts wrong choices and figure out if, how and when intervention would be appropriate and ethical. Through the panel discussions, a variety of viewpoints arose. Justice Scalia felt that Robert should not gain from his wrongdoing. He stated that he should re-take the exam and hand in honest scores to Harvard. He also observed the fact that there was no individual person to pay retribution to. Who was wronged in this particular situation? The panel agreed that the exam should be retaken. The hypothetical Robert gets into more trouble as his life continues. He commits adultery with a fifteen-year-old girl. Some members of the panel believe that his wife should be told while others believe that it is not his/her place to tell his wife, Carol. I, personally, found it appalling that a panel member would not tell Carol if she were her own daughter. Instead, she would make a comment to Robert and hope that he ended the relationship. I believe that family is a very important safety net and trust must be demonstrated at all times, especially in a touchy situation like this one. From the discussion, it is possible to view the broad span of opinions. There are certain scenarios in which intervention is necessary. These determination points may vary from one individual to the next. It is often difficult to determine when and how to intervene when put into certain situations. More often than not, the decision must be made rather quickly. The Study Guide lists several situations and asks when and if I would intervene or call the police. I plan to look at each of these situations individually to this. If I heard arguing next door, I would, for the most part, not intervene. People have arguments and that occurs within healthy relationships. There is a point that I would intervene, however. If I heard any screams for help or evidence of violence or injury then I would call the police. Another fact to consider is if the quarrels are common or not. I would never intervene personally, in a situation like this, because there is no need for me to risk any harm to myself at his point. The police are trained to handle circumstances like this. Unfortunately, I have been in this situation. I did not personally intervene or call the police, but there were no weapons being used and there were many other people present. A police officer actually happened to pass by and put an end to the fight. I do not believe that physical fighting solves any problems, but I think it is more socially acceptable because it is not as life threatening as utilizing weapons. If weapons were being used, Id call the police in a heartbeat. This is because there is a human life at risk and I have the power to at least attempt the prevention of a human beings death. I believe that it would be ethically wrong fro me to ignore a situation like that by not getting immediate help. .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .postImageUrl , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:hover , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:visited , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:active { border:0!important; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:active , .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua6eb75a13933b79acf5e9977ba150b4a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Procrastination EssayLike before, certain details can change my opinion in each situation. Maybe the child is an imp and the mother is having trouble dealing with him/her. Does the child appear to be in pain or is he/she howling to annoy the mother even more? All these aspects cannot be ignored. If I suspect any child abuse, I would feel obligated to stop it. Since I do not know of any past occurrences, it would be hard to know for sure what is actually going on, but it is always nice to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it. Perhaps I would ask the mother if there s=is anything I can do to help her deal with the present situation. A similar discussion was implemente d in the video. A ragged man with vacant eyes wandering in the trafficWell, obviously Id try not to run him over J.The appearance of the man may also sway my decision in this scenario. Is he in need of medical attention? Does he appear to be dangerous or depressed? I may put a phone call in to the police, but I often find myself assuming that someone else will do something to help. This is a common thought with public occurrences. People pass the obligation on to other individuals. This may not be morally correct, but humans often use this as way out of moral responsibility. A woman lying face down in a hallwayI would ask if she was conscious to see if I get a response. I would definitely call an ambulance and look for other citizens that may know her or may be able to help. For some reason, I feel safer helping a woman than a man. Since I am a woman, there is less of a threat of harm. A man would be able to easily over power me and Im not sure I would be willing to take that risk. With this situation, it depends on the location of the circumstance. If I were in Manhattan, I may not do anything. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see people passed out in the streets. I may assume he was intoxicated and move on without even thinking about it. Without a doubt, I would personally intervene. Here, there is no threat of putting myself in danger since I am dealing with a child. Hurting a helpless animal is inhumane and bothers me a great deal. I would tell the child to stop and explain that the kitten is a living thing and that it feels pain. Hopefully, the child accepts my explanation and learns from the situation. I would personally intervene in this situation. First, I would ask the woman if she was in trouble or needed help. Perhaps the dog attacked her and she was merely defending herself. Either way, I would call the police after assessing the situation. Either the dog or the woman needs to be taken away. Through the discussions and readings, it is possible to understand how the human mind works. People view situations from various sides. All the facts must be assessed before an ethical decision can be made. It is often difficult to make a sacrifice for an ethical issue, but it isworth not having a wrong on your conscious. Laws cannot be developed on ethical issues. Individuals can follow guidelines, but must also be able to make speedy ethical decisions on their own. Bibliography:
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Groden Center Essays - Providence Metropolitan Area, Free Essays
The Groden Center Essays - Providence Metropolitan Area, Free Essays The Groden Center The number of single-family building permits were the most this decade and represented a 14% increase over last year. There were 2,542 permits for new, single-family units pulled in Rhode Island last year, 312 more than in 1997. In an interview with Roger R. Warren, executive director of the Rhode Island Builders Association, he stated Residential construction is a fundamental indicator of Rhode Island's economic strength. These strong building permit figures are an assurance that the state's economy continues to grow. Although Johnston, Providence, and Scituate, experienced decreases in permits issued, many more towns have seen dramatic increases, as much as 48% in Coventry. There are several factors that help to explain this trend. General economic conditions such as interest rates affect whether people can afford new homes. Low interest rates, and an unemployment rate just under the national average have put new homes within reach for many people. Further, the average cost of homebuilding hasn't experienced more than a 12% increase in the last 10 years. These facts, together with increasing personal income adds on even more permits. Demographics have also had a significant impact on home purchases this decade. People tend to purchase their largest and most expensive homes during their 40s, near the peak of their earnings. The majority of the 80 million baby-boomers have reached their 40s during the 1990s and into the early part of the 21st century. At least two forces of change will affect management in the homebuilding industry as a result of these trends. Much of Rhode Island's undeveloped land is restricted, which will result in an eventual cap on building. Bryant College economist William B. Sweeney said; The increase in construction falls in line with other indicators of a strong economy ahead. But even if there are enough customers who want to purchase homes, Rhode Island may be getting max out. Wetlands make up a large portion of RI, precluding a lot of development. The other force of change occurs in communities where proposals have been made to establish fees which will increase the cost of new homes. Research has begun to determine the impact that each new home built has on a town's
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Taking and Bringing
Taking and Bringing Taking and Bringing Taking and Bringing By Maeve Maddox Carol Roberts Smith asks: Why canââ¬â¢t we ââ¬Ëtakeââ¬â¢ anything anywhere anymore? Why do we have to ââ¬Ëbringââ¬â¢ it. It sounds weird to me to say bring or brought. ââ¬ËI brought lunch to workââ¬â¢ I can live with, but ââ¬ËI have to bring this back to the storeââ¬â¢ makes no sense to me. Iââ¬â¢m taking it back to the store one way or another. Help me understand please. I notice it on TV a lot now too. Thanks! Both bring and take have numerous meanings. One can, for example, take medicine, take the Fifth, take a liking to, take it on the chin, take a partner, take in a stray, take up for a friend, take out a date, and take an oath. One can bring to bear, bring tears to the eyes, bring something up, and challenge someone to bring it on. The OED entry for take lists 93 numbered definitions. The one for bring has 27 numbered definitions. The definition that concerns us here is Number One: bring:à 1. To cause to come along with oneself; to fetch. It includes ââ¬Ëleadââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëconductââ¬â¢ (F. amener) as well as ââ¬Ëcarryââ¬â¢ (F. apporter); it implies motion towards the place where the speaker or auditor is, or is supposed to be, being in sense the causal of come; motion in the opposite direction is expressed by take (Fr. emmener, emporter).à à When the words are used to express the conveying of something or someone to or from a given point, the choice between bring and take is clear: If the person or thing is going away from where you are, use take. If the object or person is coming to where you are, use bring. Some examples of the correct use of bring and take: Im taking this blender back to the store. Im taking my girlfriend to the movies. Please bring your wife to the party. Dont forget to bring me that book next time you visit. Jacquelyn Landis has also written a DWT post on bring and take for DWT. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsThe Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases
Friday, February 14, 2020
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 21
Assignment Example Presently, theoretical, normative, and political challenges movements have enhanced human rights. People from different walks of life usually view human rights activism as individualistic ideologies and sometimes as simply liberal commitments of the movement itself. However, the existence and application of law seems to have sunk among societal values as they widely accept the provisions within the law. Sections of the people who do not accept the provisions of the law have no choice but to subscribe to what it dictates as it is the only way put of coexistence between the government and its citizens. Interestingly, all kinds of religions see value in the provisions of the rule of law, unlike rights which they view as being driven by individual pursuits. Perhaps it may be argued that the challenges facing the prosperity of human rights and the acknowledgment of rights itself are as a result of the laxity of the rule of law towards protection of human rights. In fact, by virtue of individuals accepting and upholding the law alone creates a platform for which human rights activism can flourish. Generally, laws need to be reasonable and acceptable to a greater part of the populace; not necessarily meaning that they are good laws but that they are normatively justifiable. Most legal systems including the Canadian system center on physical integrity rights or those that are easy to examine yet the relationship between the rule of law and human rights present a more difficult phenomenon to understand and explain, for instance, rights of smaller groups in the society. This strong link between law and rights id depicted in Canadaââ¬â¢s Constitution Act of 1982 part 1 which guarantees the rights and freedoms of the people of Canada. The c hapter ââ¬Å"Canadian Chapter of Rights and Freedomsâ⬠provides for certain rights and freedoms as long as they are subject to the provisions and limits of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Chinese Consumer's Perseption of B2C and C2C for E-Commerce Abstract Dissertation
Chinese Consumer's Perseption of B2C and C2C for E-Commerce Abstract - Dissertation Example The research uses both literature review and quantitative empirical research to arrive at the findings. A convenience sample of 55 customers is chosen from among the friends and acquaintances of the researcher and an online survey is employed. The results are tabulated and analysed using the literature review. It is found that customers prefer to use the C2C models over B2C models, even though they are ready to trust the B2C models more in terms of product quality, after sales service and customer care. The reason for conducting shopping using C2C sites is their low costs and larger variety of products availability. It is however expected that in the near future, due to the greater trustworthiness of the B2C sites, there may be a change in customer behaviour and shift in preference from C2C to B2C model. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Research Background and Overview 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research Aims and Objectives 1.4 Research Methods 1.5 Research Significance 1.6 Outline of Dissertation Chapters 1.7 Summary Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 B2C and C2C Models ââ¬â An Overview 2.3 Overview of B2B and B2C online markets in China 2.4 Factors that impact online shopping consumer behavior 2.5 Factors that can impact on the effectiveness of an online shopping company 2.6 Comparison between Taobao and Amazon in China 2.7 Summary Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research Approach 3.3 Research Methods 3.4 Research Design 3.4.1 Sample Sample Unit Sample Size Sample Selection Method 3.4.2 Data Collection Instrument: Survey Questionnaire (Appendix A) 3.4.3 Data Analysis Method 3.5 Research Validity and Reliability 3.6 Ethical Considerations 3.7 Summary Chapter 4: Research Findings and Discussions 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Descriptive Statistics 4.3 Summary Chapter 5: Conclusions and Implications 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Summary of Research Findings 5.3 Research Implications 5.4 Research Limitations and Scope for Future Research List of Tables Table 1: Gender of the Participants Table 2: Age of the Participants Table 3: Personal Online Shopping Behaviour Table 4: Reasons for Not Shopping Online Table 5: Customersââ¬â¢ Preference of Online Shopping Model Table 6: Customerââ¬â¢s past usage of online shopping sites Table 7: Customersââ¬â¢ Perception of Trust of Different Models of Shopping Websites Table 8: Factors Impacting Perception of Customers Regarding Online Shopping Sites Table 8a: Important Factors that Impact Customer Perceptions Regarding Online Shopping Websites Table 9: Factors that Negatively Impact Customersââ¬â¢ Perceptions Table 9a: Factors that Create Customer Dissatisfaction with Online Shopping Sites Table 10: Comparison of B2C and C2C Sites on Factors that Impact Customersââ¬â¢ Perceptions Table 11: Customersââ¬â¢ Intentions to Recommend Online Shopping Sites List of Appendices Appendix A: Research Questionnaire Appendix B: Research Responses References Chinese Consumerââ¬â¢s perception of B2C and C2C for E-Commerce Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Research Background and Overview With the opening up of the Chinese economy and the liberalization reforms, there has also been an exponential growth in penetration of the mass media and communications technology across China (Eisingerich and Kretschmer, 2008). The modernization of the economy and the development of the Chinese cities in the recent past also brought about a change in the lifestyles of the people (Shi and Zhang, 2009). There is found to be a rapid growth in the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Edna Pontellier Essay -- essays papers
Edna Pontellier People shape the way they live their lives around the society they live in. It gives you walls that you can either shape your life with, or you can breakdown to make a mold of your own. The society Edna comes from pushes her to rebel against her life, try to live her own way inside the walls and then finally break free of the walls, wich leads to the termination of her character. Being born in a time that is not right for her, Edna tries to push the things that her society accepts. In her world it is normal for a husband to control the life of the life of his wife. It is not normal for a woman to leave her husband and keep a good name. Trapped by the standards set up for her, she knows that there is no easy way out. As much as she gives to her society she st...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
For single sex schools
This House believes single-sex schools are good for education Co-educational schools attempt to establish uniformity in the teaching of two groups, boys and girls, who typically learn and develop at different speeds and using different methods. ââ¬ËThey do not develop in the same way or at the same time; boys favour visual processing and do not have the hand-motor control that girls readily achieve in early grades'. [l] It is widely accepted that ââ¬Ëboys develop more slowly than girls.. hat's true at every level of analysis'. [2] Furthermore, they develop physically at ifferent speeds, girls often developing earlier which can lead to bullying from the opposite sex for those who either over-develop or under-develop.Therefore, it should come as no surprise that, at least in the United States, elementary school boys are 50% more likely to repeat a grade than girls and they drop out of high school a third more often. 3] If they were taught separately and the curriculum and teachin g was tailored to their needs, drop-out rates would not be so high nor as vastly disproportionate. [1] Gilbert, M. ââ¬ËSingle-sex schools help children thrive'. The Christian Science Monitor 20 September 2007. 2] Bronski, M. , ââ¬ËSingle-sex Schools'. Znet, 25 October 2002. [3] Gilbert, M. ââ¬ËSingle-sex schools help children thrive'. The Christian Science Monitor 20 September 2007.Point Counterpoint Everyone develops at slightly different speeds, however few would advocate everyone should be home-schooled. Ultimately, the curriculum determines the mode of teaching, not the gender composition of the class, and the curriculum can be moulded to suit both girls and boys, faster and slower learners and those with repeat grades that is a manifestation of difficulties in learning and as relevant to heir proximity to girls in the classroom as it is to the higher-achieving boys.Furthermore, the sociologist Cynthia Epstein argues that in fact there is no consensus among psychologist s as to the existence of psychological or cognitive differences between the sexes'. [l] Finally, as Michael Bronski notes, the benefits of same-sex schools cannot be applied across the educational sphere for the private schools where the tests take place admit ââ¬Ëeither only high-achieving pupils or self- select by expelling poorly-performing or misbehaving students'. [2] [1] Kaimer, W. The Trouble with Single-sex Schools'.The Atlantic, April 1998. [2] Bronski, M. , ââ¬ËSingle-sex schools'. znet, 25 October 2002. Research Spotlight on Single-Gender Education NEA Reviews of the Research on Best Practices in Education If you walked into the average public school classroom in the United States, you'd find an equal number of boys and girls. But some experts suggest it may be time for a change. Single-gender education and the often-spirited dialogue surrounding it have raised a number of issues concerning the best manner to educate boys and girls.In 993, American University profes sors Myra Sadker and David Sadker published their research in Failing in Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls, which describes striking discoveries about fairness in American schools. During a three-year study, trained observers visited more than 100 elementary school classrooms in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, and the District of Columbia and noted student-teacher interactions, including the following: Boys called out eight times as often as girls did. When a boy yelled out, the teacher ignored the ââ¬Å"raise your andâ⬠rule and usually praised his contribution.Girls who called out got reminders to raise their hands. Teachers valued boys' comments more than girls' comments. Teachers responded to girls with a simple nod or an 0K, but they praised, corrected, helped, and criticized boys. Boys were encouraged to solve problems on their own, but teachers helped girls who were stuck on problems. Male dominance in the classroom may come as no surprise to a dvocates of single-gender education who suggest that boys and girls are regularly treated differently in coeducational settings nd that both boys and girls could both benefit from single-gender classrooms.Studies suggest that when boys are in single-gender classrooms, they are more successful in school and more likely to pursue a wide range of interests and activities. Girls who learn in all-girl environments are believed to be more comfortable responding to questions and sharing their opinions in class and more likely to explore more ââ¬Å"nontraditionalâ⬠subjects such as math, science, and technology.In addition, advocates believe that when children learn with single- ender peers, they are more likely to attend to their studies, speak more openly in the classroom, and feel more encouraged to pursue their interests and achieve their fullest potential. Of course, these beliefs have been challenged as well. The American Single-Sex Education for Girls (1998), which notes that s ingle-sex education is not necessarily better than coeducation. According to the report, boys and girls thrive on a good education, regardless of whether the school is single-sex or coeducational.Some findings include: No evidence shows that single-sex education works or is etter for girls than coeducation. When elements of a good education are presentâ⬠such as small classes and schools, equitable teaching practices, and focused academic curriculumâ⬠girls and boys succeed. Some kinds of single-sex programs produce positive results for some students, including a preference for math and science among girls. Additional research on the effectiveness of single-gender classrooms is necessary, but we all can agree that we need to construct an educational environment that meets the social and intellectual needs of boys and girls.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Masculinity And Gender Roles For Women Essay - 1807 Words
The definition of masculinity has periodically changed throughout history and has been consequently refabricated. It is no longer related solely to biological attributes but has evolved into emotional, physical, and intellectual beings, altering societies opinion of what ââ¬Å"being a manâ⬠actually is. Subconsciously, feminism has drawn their swords in the art of picket fences and created a barrier towards men built off animosity and egotism. What started in the late 19th century, woman were seeking a larger role in society has now changed to pointing fingers and seemingly blaming men as a whole for the downfall of feminism. We sit amongst our communities and urge males to ââ¬Å"man upâ⬠while we hypocritically fight for equality. Yet as we stand protesting for rights, we have overstepped our grounds when we take into account the effect we have on the image of masculinity. By protesting these views of feminism we are trying to shatter gender roles for women, yet we leave the definition of masculinity in question. By doing this we are throwing away all the work of the LGBTQ and the numerous womenââ¬â¢s right campaigns. As described in the dictionary, masculinity is to, ââ¬Å"have qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man.â⬠(Merriam-Webster Inc. 2004) Masculinity is defined more as a social than a biological convention. For example, society defines masculinity as a set of traits within behaviors and roles generally associated with boys or men. This is where the stereotypes ofShow MoreRelatedTaking a Closer Look at Gender1311 Words à |à 5 Pagesbeginning of their lives, individuals are associated with a specific gender, influencing behaviour, opportunities and expectations. The basic inequalities and disparities between men and women are generally seen as the result of the innate, essential differences between the two biological sexes. This theory presumes that each and every member of the female gender is identical, and that the same can be said for males but ââ¬Å"not all women are the same, just like all men arenââ¬â¢t the sameâ⬠(Tarrant 63). OneRead MoreGender Roles And Attitudes Of A Teacher s Practice1189 Words à |à 5 PagesThe present essay attempts to demonstrate the stereotypes around gender and and itââ¬â¢s relation to a teacherââ¬â¢s practice. In order for this objective to be met, the theory of gender will be introduced, followed by the stereotypes regarding the gender ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢rolesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. Moreover the role of culture in the creation of gender roles and how popular culture-media carry stereotypes on children will be presented. This aims to show how a teacher can combat or prevent those stereotypes through her thoughtful, carefulRead MoreEssay on Equal and Alike1158 Words à |à 5 Pagesbetween masculinity and femininity is less clear. Aaron H. Devor wrote in his 1989 article, Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender, that due to the structure of American society, ââ¬Å"masculinity thus becomes ââ¬Ëinnatelyââ¬â¢ valuable and femininity serves a contrapuntal function to de lineate and magnify the hierarchical dominance of masculinityâ⬠(430). Devor describes the role of femininity in current society as merely a way to put the value and superiority of masculinity into perspectiveRead MoreHow Gender Operates Within The Setting Of An Olivia Vacation1481 Words à |à 6 PagesMinor Essay OPOL216 ââ¬â Sex and Gender Matters Allysen Stewart 32579398 ââ¬Æ' Assignment 1 ââ¬â Minor Essay OPOL216 ââ¬â Sex and Gender Matters This essay will critically discuss how gender operates within the setting of an Olivia Vacation (, drawing from personal experiences from a recent trip to a Hawaiian Resort. The paper will focus on personal observations of the underlying forces involved in the reproduction and disruption of gender relations, and their resultingRead MoreA Critique Of The New Policies On Elite Female Athletes1152 Words à |à 5 Pagesfeminist ethics, gender/ sexuality, intersex Research Question/Problem: The policies concerning female athletics were unfair and targeted only women and not men. Method/Approach: Describing the IAAF and IOC policies and uses an example of a female athlete (Caster Semenya). Argument/Conclusion: The policies concerning female athletics are made to seem fair but at the same time they target only those women who look more masculine than the others and as a result intensify the ââ¬Å"gender policiesâ⬠thatRead MoreThe And Its Effect On Their Emotional Health Essay1009 Words à |à 5 Pages Without the existence of manliness, the gender itself would lose its identity. The majority of twenty first century society believe that certain traits are linked biologically to male and female genders. There is however, a movement toward ending this way of thinking. A new ideology is spreading that sets out to overcome the way society sees gender. This new way of thinking challenges men and can possibly change the current precedent set on gender roles. The current mainstream belief that certainRead MoreAn Ethnography Of Wall Street986 Words à |à 4 PagesEmploying a Gender Lens When looking at the issue of corporate crime, it becomes apparent that gender is a factor that can play a significant role. Within the article An Ethnography of Wall Street, it is described that because of a social hierarchy, the majority of those in CEO positions are white males while those in lower positions tend to be more females. As discussed in the documentary Inside Job, the males in corporations featured tended to be impulsive risk takers which can be related to theRead MoreThe Illusion Of Masculinity And Its Effects On Society1607 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Illusion of Masculinity The gender roles for males is a social construct in which sets men in the position to certain behavioral, emotional, and social norms within a society or specific culture in which individuals have to adhere in their social environment. How does that shape ones identity and sense of self? Also, what are the repercussions to ascribing to these roles as a base model for oneââ¬â¢s social life? In this abstract I will explore the effects for hyper masculinity in American, theRead MoreFeminism, Gender, And Gender Studies767 Words à |à 4 PagesEveryone defines masculinity in a different way. Growing up masculinity was only a term for men who brought an income to the home, otherwise known as the breadwinners. However, this was the typical stereotype which men were obligated to live up too. As time is passing the term masculinity is changing and instead of defining males and females separately, it is changing into a common definition of gender. Meaning no matter if you are female or ma le, gender will be known as a definition for both andRead MoreMasculinity And Social Construction Of Masculinity1461 Words à |à 6 Pages(Itulua-Abumere 42). The presented concept of masculinity presumes that one has to believe in individual difference and personal agency. So, it is based on the concept of individuality that emerged in early-modern Europe, together with the increase of capitalist economic relations and colonial empires. Further, the conception is also inherently relational. Masculinity only exists in coherence with femininity. If a culture does not treat men and women as carriers of polarized character types, at least
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